Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of selected non-traumatic digitis diseases in cattle

By Mroz, K. and Nicpon, J. and Slawuta, P., Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 2005
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Digitis diseases in cattle (laminitis, phlegmona interdigitalis, papillomatous digital dermatitis) bring major losses in cattle breeding. The most important factor in the pathogenesis of laminitis in cattle is disturbances in metabolism, which are triggered by mediators of inflammatory processes. Treatment includes therapy of the primary disease (acidosis, alkalosis, acetonemia, mastitis, metritis, retention of placenta) and elimination of causes of inflammatory processes by means of high doses of the anti-inflammatory agents, heparin 40-100 U/kg, antibiotics, methionine 20-60 mg/kg, biotin 0.03-0.2 mg/kg. Phlegmona interdigitalis is characterized by lameness and pyogenic inflammation of subcutaneous tissues in the interdigital space. Its therapy includes the systemic use of sulfonamides at a dose of 130 mg/kg, oxytetracycline 10 mg/kg, and foot baths of 10% zinc sulfate, 1% formaldehyde and 5% copper sulfate. Papillomatous digital dermatitis is a dermatosis of the digital skin of dairy cattle. PDD occurs on hairy skin between hooves and heels. The therapy requires the use of penicillin 18000 IU/kg and a topical application of tetracycline 20-100 mg/ml through 3 to 5 days and occasionally footbaths in solutions of 0.1 to 0.6% oxytetyracycline, 20% zinc sulfate, 0.01% lincomycin, 2.5 to 10% copper sulfate, 5% formalin.
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