This website aims to stimulate ideas and to facilitate the effective working together of farmers, vets and advisers. We have one disclaimer: please note we expect the information on this site to be used with a suitably qualified professional/ expert and we cannot accept liability for mistakes that occur following implementation of ideas from the site. We make every effort to keep the website up-to-date and evidence-based. Not all ideas will work on every farm.
This site was originally developed for the Healthy Feet Project (Bristol University) supported by the Tubney Charitable Trust, with sections derived from the Defra funded Heifer Lameness project (Bristol University). This updated website has been brought to you in collaboration with AHDB Dairy and the AHDB dairy research partnership. The site was re-created by Abe Sharp and Nick Bell through the AHDB Knowledge Transfer project delivered by the Royal Veterinary College. Thanks go to Professor Claire Wathes (RVC), John Fishwick and Nick Short (RVC) for their support in helping relaunch this website.
True to the original website we aim to pack it full of technical ideas. Whenever possible we want to point to the research evidence and highlight the opinion-based information. There is now a research publication archive for people who want to investigate further.
If you discover a new piece of research, something we’ve missed, something we’ve got wrong or you’re just excited about the website then please let us know.
The website has been built from several important and useful research studies in the UK. We are grateful to all the funders and participating farmers for their input.
History of cattle foot health research in the UK
1992-5 Liverpool epidemiological survey (funded by MAFF)
1999-2002 Freedom foods survey (funded by RSPCA)
2002-5 The heifer lameness study (funded by defra)
2002-5 EU lamecow study (funded by the EU)
2006-10 The Healthy Feet Project (supported by the Tubney Charitable trust)
2007-2010 Benefits of early detection of lameness (Dartington Cattle Breeding Trust)
2012-16 Treatment of lame cows and digital dermatitis research (AHDB dairy/AHDB research partnership)
2012-5 BVA-AWF Treatment of lame cows
2013-16 Pre-calving and 100 day foot checks to prevent lameness in first lactation (Dartington Cattle Breeding Trust)
2016-present Preventative trimming evaluation (2nd round AHDB dairy/AHDB research partnership)
Please let us know of any other significant pieces of UK research relating to foot health.
The online resource for the prevention of lameness in cattle and the worldwide home of footcare best practice
Working with producers and advisors to improve foot health in UK dairy cattle