Effect of space allowance, access to bedding, and flock size in slatted floor systems on the production and health of dairy Heifers

By Hindhede, Jens Sorensen Jan Tind Jensen Margit Bak Krohn Christian, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science, 1996
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An experiment was conducted on seven Danish commercial dairy farms with 200 Danish Friesian heifers (315 kg) in 152 days from the month of November. Founded on existing slatted floor systems, 32 experimental pens were established with Low (L) or High (H) space allowance (1.5 vs. 3.0 m-2 per animal), different type of separate lying area (Slatted (S) vs. Bedded (B) floor) and different flock size (6 vs. 12 animals). Eating spaces were standardized to about 50 cm per animal. Ad libitum feeding was practised and rations contained a maximum 30% concentrates (dry matter). An increase in space allowance from 1.5 to 3.0 m-2 per animal in pens with fully slatted floors increased the live weight gain by 174 g day-1 or 31% (P = .04) and net energy intake per kg live weight gain was reduced by 23% (P = .04). Heifers housed in small pens lay down less than heifers in large pens. Access to bedding affected number of lying periods. Production, however, was not influenced by access to a bedded lying area. Flock size is of minor importance for heifers' production, when fed ad libitum and one eating space per animal is ensured. The prevalence of heel horn erosion was reduced and claw length was increased in heifers with access to bedding. No occurrence of tall tip necrosis regardless of pen type was found. Reproduction expressed as aces at pregnancy was not significantly influenced by any of the treatments
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